THE MACHINERY IS MADE ENTIRELY OF STAINLESS STEEL and allows to dispose well, quickly and without waste the most inaccessible parts of the toilets such as the internal parts of the Brida and the siphon.
1) The complete Internal glazing of the siphons
2) Complete glazing of the under rim surface
3) Filling and emptying of enamel
4) Unit suitable to all wc models
5) control panel for 2 pneumatic units
6) Best quality materials used
Glazing cycle
• The piece is placed manually on the grazing area
• The water inlet and the drain holes of the pots are closed.
• The tank of the vase is filled with enamel.
• the glaze filling ends when the glaze has reached the level pre fixed by the operator, i.e. the under rim area.
• The piece is titled rorth and backwards to let the glaze to reach all the inner area of the si phon and for its following draining
• At the end of the enamel release, the piece is discharged manually.
The complete glazing cycle depends on the size of the workpiece and, in any case, is on average about 2 minutes.
AUTOMATIC SYSTEM : The automatic siphon glazing unit complete all the enameling cycle automatically .
The only manual part is the positioning of the ceramic piece by the operator and then, at the end of the enamelling process , the piece is discharged manually.